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How to create .tar reproducibly

Given that in tarfile default for format argument of tarfile.TarFile is GNU_FORMAT, I will use GNU tar, not POSIX, but in aspects I care about for this note they are very similar.

Tar archive is comprised of sequence of “file entries”. Each entry consists of header (metadata) and contents (data). Header contains mtime field, that represents file modification time at the time of archivation. In Python’s tarfile archive entries are represented by instances of tarfile.TarInfo, and mtime field of file entry header is represented by public field of tarfile.TarInfo instance. This is all specifics you need to know about tar archive format, but if you want non-simplified description, consult, for example, the relevant section of GNU tar manual.

So, when you are making a tar archive, there are 2 ways in which you can influence end result:

  • add files in particular order;
  • set added files’ modification time (mtime).

If (for your goals) you consider two identical files with differing mtime different, you don’t have to worry about it (but still you may want to add files in order). Otherwise, you’ll have to set it to some fixed value to make it irrelevant.

I am talking about realistic scenario, so it should be possible to add not just regular files, but also directories (recursively). Given that in such case we still care about file order, I will not use TarFile.add: it uses the os.listdir, that returns a list of dir entries in arbitrary order—and TarFile.add does not sort it nor allow us to do that:

for f in os.listdir(name):

Instead for for recursing into dirs I’ll use os.walk. Though it uses os.scandir internally (os.listdir in CPython < 3.5), which does not guarantee any ordering too, it is possible to affect walk so it does its work in particular order:

When topdown is True, the caller can modify the dirnames list in-place (perhaps using del or slice assignment), and walk() will only recurse into the subdirectories whose names remain in dirnames; this can be used to prune the search, impose a specific order of visiting, or even to inform walk() about directories the caller creates or renames before it resumes walk() again. Modifying dirnames when topdown is False has no effect on the behavior of the walk, because in bottom-up mode the directories in dirnames are generated before dirpath itself is generated.

Thus, code that always traverses all dirs and files in top_dir is same order will look like this:

for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(top_dir, topdown=True):
    # ...
    for filename in sorted(filenames):
        # ...

To add file entries (that is, regular files, dirs, etc.) into archive I’ll use TarFile.addfile instead of TarFile.add. Therefore, in general, tarfile-related code will look like this:

with tarfile.open(name="out.tar", mode="w") as archive:
    for path, arcname in ...:
        tinfo = archive.gettarinfo(path, arcname=arcname)
        tinfo.mtime = 123123.1
        if tinfo.isreg():
            with open(path, "rb") as file:
                archive.addfile(tinfo, fileobj=file)

Before getting to actual implementation, let’s discuss one more concept: arcnames. Arcname is name of file in archive, and it can, actually, be path: that is, it can be control.txt as well as somedir/1.txt or /home/user/some/file. For our purposes, having absolute file paths in archive is undesirable, so we have to “modify” them in a way that ensures arcnames do not include parents of “top dirs” we intend to add into archive.


The goal is to build a script (mktar.py) that creates tar archive containing files and directories: paths are passed as command-line arguments.

#!/usr/bin/env python3

import os
import tarfile
import argparse

def tar(top_paths, *, mtime, dest, reltop, verbose):
    relpath = lambda p: os.path.relpath(p, start=reltop)
    def _get_to_add():
        for top_path in sorted(top_paths):
            if os.path.isdir(top_path):
                for dirpath, dirnames, filenames in os.walk(
                        top_path, topdown=True):
                    yield (dirpath, relpath(dirpath))
                    for filename in sorted(filenames):
                        filepath = os.path.join(dirpath, filename)
                        yield (filepath, relpath(filepath))
                yield (top_path, relpath(top_path))
    with tarfile.open(name=dest, mode="w") as archive:
        for path, arcname in _get_to_add():
            if verbose:
                print(path, "->", arcname)
            tinfo = archive.gettarinfo(path, arcname=arcname)
            if mtime is not None:
                tinfo.mtime = mtime
            if tinfo.isreg():
                with open(path, "rb") as file:
                    archive.addfile(tinfo, fileobj=file)

if __name__ == "__main__":
    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
    parser.add_argument("paths", nargs="+")
    parser.add_argument("--reltop", default=os.getcwd())
    parser.add_argument("--mtime", type=float, default=None)
    parser.add_argument("--verbose", action="store_true", default=False)
    args = parser.parse_args()
        args.paths, mtime=args.mtime, dest=args.dest, reltop=args.reltop,

So, for example, to create archive out.tar with mtime pre-set to 123, you’d use ./mktar.py dir1/ file1 dir2/ file2 out.tar --mtime 123. If, say, dir{1,2} and file{1,2} are in reproducible_tar/, and you want it to be “root” inside an archive, you could use --reltop ../ to modify “relative top dir” (reltop), so arcnames will be built like this (command is ./mktar.py dir1/ file1 dir2/ file2 out.tar --mtime 123 --reltop ../ --verbose and is run from inside reproducible_tar/):

dir1/ -> reproducible_tar/dir1
dir1/1 -> reproducible_tar/dir1/1
dir1/1/a -> reproducible_tar/dir1/1/a
dir1/1/b -> reproducible_tar/dir1/1/b
dir1/1/c -> reproducible_tar/dir1/1/c
dir1/1/d -> reproducible_tar/dir1/1/d
dir1/2 -> reproducible_tar/dir1/2
dir1/2/aa -> reproducible_tar/dir1/2/aa
dir1/2/bb -> reproducible_tar/dir1/2/bb
dir1/2/cc -> reproducible_tar/dir1/2/cc
dir1/2/dd -> reproducible_tar/dir1/2/dd
dir1/3 -> reproducible_tar/dir1/3
dir1/3/aaa -> reproducible_tar/dir1/3/aaa
dir1/3/bbb -> reproducible_tar/dir1/3/bbb
dir1/3/ccc -> reproducible_tar/dir1/3/ccc
dir1/3/ddd -> reproducible_tar/dir1/3/ddd
dir2/ -> reproducible_tar/dir2
file1 -> reproducible_tar/file1
file2 -> reproducible_tar/file2

Now we have working implementation of reproducible tar building, and we can look at gzip.

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